How to play/ Rules

How do I create a argument/ dispute?

You have to be a registered user on "Only Way to Settle this" to be able to do so. Once registered and logged in, you will see a "create argument" button.

How do I send the dispute to my opponent?

When you have click on the "create argument" and filled out the form, the site will send an email to your opponent to respond via a a unique link.

When will I know if the argument is live?

As soon as your opponent has responded to your challenge, the argument will be live for anyone to see.

How long will the argument be online for?

The time limit is set for 3 days from the moment your opponent has responded to your argument.

Do I need to be a registered user to vote?

No. It is open to the public and the user who created the argument.

How many votes am I allowed?

You only have 1 vote per argument.

Is that it or will there be updates/ upgrades?

There will be constant update and upgrades to the site. Please subscribe to the newsletter to find out any updates. Alternatively you can read the updates in our blog page (coming soon).

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