The ONLY way to resolve a Dispute!

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How it Works?

You have a dispute with someone? Post it here and let the public resolve it for you. SIMPLES!

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Reasons to play

Resolve a dispute!

When you know you think you are right and the other person doesn't agree with you. This is the best place to find out!

Bragging rights

A win on this platform will give you bragging rights over your opponent. Unlimited pleasure in getting upper hand. But be warned, the reverse can also happen!

Random argument

If you just feel like ranting about a certain subject, come and add it here. See if people agree or disagree with you.

Play with friends or family

There is always one person who thinks they are always right. Challenge them to a dispute and see what the outcome is. Who knows. You might come up trumps!

Battle with random strangers

Once you have got the confidence of a few wins, why not battle other people. Folks love a good argument!

Fun and jokes.

At the end of the day, its all a bit of fun and jokes with each other.

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